Design of Shiraz Urban Train Line 1

Location: Fars – Shiraz
Client: Shiraz Urban Train and Suburbs Organization
Line Length:
15 kilometers (double track)
Number of Stations:
14 (structural boxes)
Internal Diameter of Excavation:
6 meters
Excavation Method:
Mechanized using TBM machines
Dimensions of TBM Entry Shaft:
Ground Conditions:
Varying from soft clay to hard clay with variable sand and gravel. Lenses of sandy and gravelly soils with compacted water are common throughout.
Segment Factory:
Precast segments with a width of 4.1 meters and a thickness of 300 millimeters are used. The rings are of Universal type, consisting of 5 segments and one key.
Start Date:
June 2001
End Date:
July 2012